888-776-0942 from 8 AM - 10 PM ET
EAST PROVIDENCE , R.I. , June 7, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Quantic™ Electronics ("Quantic"), a portfolio company of Arcline Investment Management ("Arcline"), today announced that it will attend the 2022 International Microwave Symposium in Denver, Colorado , June 21 st-23rd. Representatives from Quantic and their businesses Quantic TRM, Quantic Corry, Quantic PMI, Quantic Ohmega, Quantic Ticer, Quantic Evans , Quantic Paktron, Quantic UTC, Quantic Eulex, Quantic Wenzel and Quantic X-Microwave will be available at the Quantic Pavilion, Booths #8076-9081.
Quantic offers a broad and rapidly expanding portfolio of RF/MW and power products serving a diverse set of mission critical applications. Highlights at IMS will include:
Quantic™ Electronics will attend the 2022 International Microwave Symposium, June 21st-23rd, Booths #8076-9081.
Quantic TRM's Shaun Moore will present a MicroApps session on Wednesday, June 22 nd at 11:00 AM MST on the topic of "Summing Power: Power Combining Trade-Offs and Requirements."
To schedule a demo or meeting, or to learn more, please contact Quantic at [email protected]
About Quantic Electronics Quantic is an electronic component company focused on defining and delivering the future of mission-critical electronics. We have over a century of combined experience as reliable problem-solvers and trusted partners in military, aerospace, industrial and commercial markets. For more information, visit www.quanticnow.com.
About Arcline Investment Management Arcline is a growth-oriented private equity firm with $4.4 billion in cumulative capital commitments. Arcline seeks to invest in technology-driven, meaningful to the world industrial businesses that enable a better future. For more information visit www.arcline.com.
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Cision Distribution 888-776-0942 from 8 AM - 9 PM ET