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AEW’s Frankie Kazarian knocked on the Forbidden Door with Impact to prove he still has the skills to be elite. The task at hand was competing for the X-Division Championship against “Speedball” Mike Bailey at Bound For Glory. Kaz silenced the doubters with a stellar match en route to becoming a five-time X-Division titleholder.
Bailey took Kaz into deep waters with rapid-fire kicks and a running corkscrew shooting star press. Kaz had tricks up his sleeve to rally with a Back to the Future straitjacket bridging electric chair drop. Bailey kicked out and went back on the attack when Kaz missed the mark on a springboard leg drop. Bailey landed a backflip double knee drop. That paved the way for the cyclone kick across the ring. Kaz was down. Bailey climbed for corner and launched for the Ultima Weapon shooting star double knee drop. That was Bailey’s trusty finisher. The situation looked bleak for Kaz to win gold. 1, 2, Kaz kicked out!
NOBODY has kicked out of the Ultima Weapon and @FrankieKazarian JUST DID!#BoundForGlory pic.twitter.com/99fDzUmbmY
Bailey lifted Kaz for a flamingo driver as his alternate finisher. Kaz escaped to counter for a chickenwing submission. Kaz had body scissors hooked in deep. The champ was in a lot of pain. Bailey fired up to his feet and ran through the ropes crashing down to the floor as a way to break the submission hold. That escape was high drama.
Back in the ring, Kaz connected on a slingshot cutter. Bailey kicked out. Kaz dusted off the Flux Capacitor rolling moonsault side slam off the turnbuckles. Bailey kicked out again showing the heart of a champion.
.@FrankieKazarian ALMOST became 5 time X Division Champion!#BoundForGlory pic.twitter.com/P7ScSp8thH
Kaz caught a kick for an electric chair lift. Bailey countered for a reverse rana. Bailey followed for a shooting star press, however, Kaz caught him for a huge cutter. 1, 2, Bailey kicked out. Kaz didn’t waste time and locked in the chickenwing submission. Bailey struggled and eventually tapped out in defeat. Kaz is the new champion of the X-Division at 45 years of age.
.@FrankieKazarian IS THE NEW X Division Champion! WHAT A MATCH! #BoundForGlory pic.twitter.com/THX8uCkd66
Great match with a true ‘holy shit’ moment when Kazarian was victorious. Kaz and Bailey set up the drama well for their kick-outs and escapes to signature finishers. Bailey should be proud in the manner his title reign ended. He consistently put on excellent matches to elevate the status of the title. I believe Kaz will do the same as champion.
Get the full results of Bound For Glory here. The PPV replay is available through Fite TV.
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